Zahida & Thomas – Meant to be

When Zahida reached out to us to ask about our services, she told us how Thomas and her met and how their love was meant to be. Their story is not far from a great romantic movie. They both met [...]

Orkideh & Ehsan

A little throwback wedding from last season!  Orkideh & Ehsan will soon celebrate their first year anniversary 🙂 de Belle Photography Montreal Wedding and Family Photography

Laura & Jon

A little throwback wedding from last summer. Laura & Jon were really easy going. From the preparations in the morning to the beautiful Bois-Franc park to the memorable ceremony…We had [...]

Vanessa & Andrew – Fairy tale

Vanessa & Andrew made their wedding a real fairy tale. Both fans of Disney, their theme was based on Cinderella’s story. Thanks for having us on your romantic’s journey. And they [...]

Pamela & Matthew

Qu and nos clients nous font complètement confiance et qu’ils s’ab andonnent à nos idées, la journée passe à la vitesse de l’éclair. Nous devenons des observateurs discrets de [...]

Larissa & Simon

Merci à Larissa & Simon pour votre confiance. Cette journée était mémorable et votre chimie contagieuse. Félicitations à vous deux! de Belle Photography Montreal Wedding and Family Photography

Catherine & Mark-Anthony

Antoher beautiful wedding and beautiful couple from our 2017’s wedding season.  Old Montreal is always bringing it to create memorable photos.  Congratulations again to Catherine & [...]

Lisa & Steven

That little urban corner we found on our way between the ceremony and reception hall was perfect! It is sometimes the most simple and unusual places that provide us the greater light and coolest [...]

Kaila & Nicola

Thanks to Kaila & Nicola for sharing this day with us! We had an incredible day with them on that perfect sunny day. de Belle Photography Montreal Wedding Photography

Sabrina & Michael

de Belle Photography debelle photography Montreal wedding photography Montreal wedding photographer Wedding photographer Wedding Best wedding photographer Mariage Photographe Photographie

Throwback wedding – Liane & Wade

de Belle Photography debelle photography Montreal wedding photography Montreal wedding photographer Wedding photographer Wedding Best wedding photographer Mariage Photographe Photographie

Kristina & Christopher

When we think about simply good, down to earth, and just nice people, we think about Kristina and Christopher. They had a beautiful, classy, authentic wedding, and were blessed with a beautiful [...]

Tania & Vincenzo

We want to say congratulations again to Tania & Vincenzo. We had such a blast with you on your wedding day and we thank you for sharing your day & love with us. de Belle Photography [...]

Kids being kids

We had so much fun capturing the real essence of Mia & Jake. We simply walked to their park close to their house. We let them play…we let them being kids, being them. We did almost no [...]


Nous avons la chance de partager plusieurs moments importants avec nos clients. Nous commençons souvent notre périple photographique avec eux lors de leur mariage ou lors d’une séance de [...]

Anca & Dario

Anca and Dario had an incredible wedding day blessed with blue skies and refreshing breezes. From Saint-Joachim to the Forest and Stream nothing got in the way of this couple’s awesome day. [...]

Olivia & Jay on Mount Royal

Earlier this winter, we had a wonderful opportunity to capture the great connection between Olivia & Jay on top of Mount Royal. Their wedding is planned for 2017, and they chose this [...]

Véronique & Jonathan

Nous avons eu l’honneur d’immortaliser en images le magnifique mariage de Véronique et Jonathan. Entourés de leur famille et de leurs amis, ils ont profité d’une journée [...]

Monica & Aless andro

A look across a room, a smile, a gaze, a touch, a wink, an embrace, a kiss….a moment captured! This is what we live for, this is why we show up every day and do what we do, this is what [...]

Winter versus summer

Your wedding will be one of the most important day of your life. It could snow, it could be sunny, it could rain, it could cloudy…anything could happen, it will stay magical and special to your [...]