1st wedding anniversary – Stephanie & Matthew

Happy 1 year anniversary to Matthew & Stephanie!

This was our last wedding photographed before Covid hit, and boy oh boy, I’m pretty sure Matthew & Stephanie are happy that they got married when they did!
Wow, what a year it has been! It seems like a lifetime ago and so much has happened!
I remember this wedding like it was yesterday, taking that 1-hour drive up to Mont Tremblant in pure silence, no music, nothing, just driving up & thinking about what was about to happen to our world & how it was going to change….how little did we know!
Well, here we are, 1 year later and surviving, we thank our lucky stars, as not everyone has survived and our hearts go out to those people. As tough (and still is) as this has been on the business, I must say that we have grown stronger, wiser, and being the eternal optimist that I am, I know that we will come out on the other side of all this in a better place than where we were when this all started!

Montreal Wedding Photography

de Belle photography

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