Thinking about a destination wedding?

Do you know someone planning a destination wedding? Pass this along.  Not a problem for us!  People often ask, why would you bring a Montreal Wedding Photographer & Cinematographer on a destination instead of just hiring local talent. Well, for starters, regardless of your religion or cultural background, we understand Montreal culture & if you want a part of that with you on your wedding day, then we are the right fit for you. Do you really want to end up with some cheesy resort photographer, getting paid 15$ per hour? When you hire us, you are getting top level quality & service. It is much easier to deal with a local company than dealing with a company from another city or country.

We have photographed weddings all over the world, from the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Dominican, Europe, Hawaii, to this latest adventure in December, 2021 in  Key West, Florida, USA.

Montreal Wedding Photography

de Belle photography

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