Wedding season is in full swing at de Belle Photography and we could not be happier!
From May to November, we will be taking photos of some beautiful weddings that are very well planned out by the bride and groom.
However, the only thing that cannot be ‘planned’ for on the day of your wedding is the weather.
Living in Montreal, the weather tends to vary from day to day prompting a lot of calls from concerned brides and grooms asking us “what if it rains!?”

That is a valid question to ask, since most of the Couple, Bridal Party and Family photos are taken outdoors.
It is always nice to have sunshine on your wedding day, but when it does rain, this provides our photographers and cinematographers a very welcome challenge.
This is when their creative juices start flowing… a little doorway sheltering you from the rain becomes a private and romantic location for couple photos, cute umbrellas and rain boots become colourful accessories for the bridal party to play around with and falling rain seen through a window creates a gorgeous and original backdrop for a family photo, and the list goes on.

This post is dedicated to the rainy wedding day…may these photos reassure you that no matter the weather, you will have beautiful photos to remember your special day.

de Belle Photography
Montreal wedding photography